Your Stories

Read how the Oilatum Soothe & Protect range is making a difference to parents and their little ones up and down the country.

Bathtime is fun again!

Beth Goss, mother to 2 year old Jay said that her son’s skin was causing him so much pain that she contemplated taking him to A&E. Jay had suffered from sore, cracked eczema since he was 4 months old, which got progressively worse as he grew up.

"It was always red raw, bumpy and extremely dry. It was horrible to see my little boy in so much pain."

“His skin became so sore that having a bath, something which is usually fun for parents and their children, became a horrible experience for us. He would scream in pain. We had to refrain from using any lotions, soaps or bubbles on him as this aggravated the skin and resorted to quick baths using just water and a sponge to clean him.

We visited our GP several times who each time said it could be something different. From food allergies, to washing powder to perfumes. It didn’t provide us with that quick fix I was hoping for.

We went to the doctors who prescribed a steroid cream. While this did help reduce the eczema flare ups, I knew of the damaging effect long term steroid cream use can have so I didn’t want Jay using it forever.”

It was actually Beth’s mother-in-law who recommended a brand called Oilatum as she had used the adult range to help her with a very rare skin condition.

“We had nothing to lose so gave it a go and we were blown away with the results. From the very first use, it soothed the skin and showed no sign of any making the condition worse.

We now use both the Oilatum Head to Toe wash and the Oilatum Bath Foam and Jay’s skin has never looked better. These result feel like a huge success for parents who have had a long time of watching their children in pain, especially during bath time when soaps can cause stinging. Jay can now enjoy his bubble bath, a normal part of childhood, without us having the constant worry of repercussions.”

Find out more about our Junior range

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We can finally leave the house!

Lisa Aaron, mother to five month old, Florence, reveals her daughter has suffered with severe skin flare ups from birth, with her sore, irritated skin worsening from around three months.

Lisa says, “At its worse, she couldn’t do anything. We couldn’t leave the house or go anywhere. We couldn’t put clothes on her - she would just get too upset and scream until I undressed her.

Getting dressed in the morning was just the worst part of the day, so most days I would just leave her indoors in a nappy, covered in thick cream”.

As well as Florence’s skin being irritated with clothes on, Lisa struggled with bathing her daughter.

“As soon as she came out the water and I tried to dry her, she would just burst into tears”.

"She was happy to be in the bath, but getting her out was horrendous."

After feeling fed up with Florence’s pain, Lisa tried the Oilatum Junior Bath Additive and Oilatum Junior Cream. Lisa was apprehensive about trying this new emollient, but after just one use of the Oilatum Junior Cream, Lisa noticed an immediate improvement.

“Using Oilatum has meant we can dress our daughter in nice clothes, clothes we never would have been able to before.”

The main advice she’d offer other parents, says Lisa, is getting to know products, rather than just taking the first advice offered: “I just thought an emollient that an emollient. We tried three different creams before we tried Oilatum, I’m just annoyed it took so long to find it.”

“Oilatum is now an important part of Florence’s bath time routine. I no longer have the dread of getting her ready in the morning and having that restriction on what to do for the day, due to the worry of whether it’s going to upset her or not”.

“I have been recommending Oilatum to all my mummy friends and I can confidently say, it has made not only our beautiful Florence’s life better, but the whole family’s”.

Find out more about our Junior range

Oilatum Junior Bath Additive contains light liquid paraffin and white liquid paraffin and Oilatum Junior Cream contains light liquid paraffin. Both are medicines for eczema and related dry skin conditions. Always read the label

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Years of painful skin are finally gone!

Polly-Anna Stirling is mum to two year-old Ronnie and five year-old Reuben and it was her youngest, Ronnie who has suffered with painful eczema since the age of one.

“Ronnie’s skin had always been super soft since birth, however as of a year ago this started to change as we found his skin started to blister and have a very rough texture, particularly in the creases of his arms. We originally thought that he had hand, foot and mouth or chicken pox because it came up so blistery at the beginning.”

"He would be constantly itching, screaming or crying in discomfort."

Bath time also proved to be a particularly challenging time for Polly-Anna, “I was having to bathe the boys separately, as Reuben is older and wanted bubbles and at the time I didn’t want to add any form of product to the water that would irritate Ronnie’s skin. So bath times with Ronnie were just him constantly crying and trying to climb out.”

With Ronnie suffering on a daily basis and this impacting key family moments, Polly-Anna wanted a second opinion so reluctantly visited her GP, but feared that they would give her a strong steroid cream, which she wanted to avoid.

It was then when her mum told her about a product she had used on Polly-Anna when she was a baby. “My mum then told me about Oilatum and so, one bath time I decided to use it and I was shocked by the immediate result. Instantly after him getting out the bath Ronnie’s skin felt smoother and the eczema had already visibly started to clear.

And it wasn’t just that, Ronnie had properly enjoyed his bath for the first time thanks to the added bubbles.

I no longer feel stressed getting him dressed in the morning, as we don’t need to cover him head-to-toe anymore. His skin is no longer rough to touch, but instead back to that silky baby skin.”

Find out more about our Junior range

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